August 10, 2009

Facebook And Google Search, And Making The Internet More Public

Today there have been some very big events in the world of social media. Facebook acquired FreindFeed and also launched a new real-time search. Google also improved their search my making it faster and way more accurate.

When the news broke that Facebook bought FriendFeed, it was big. I thought that there would be some big changes to FriendFeed, like taking off Twitter support, or possibly even shutting down the service completely. A lot of FriendFeed users use Twitter too, so by making FreindFeed non-cooperative with Twitter would kill thousands of accounts, leaving Facebook the victor.

This did not happen yet, but if it does, there will probably be a lot of backlash from the Twitter community. However, people will get over it, and they'll just make a Facebook account and jump on that boat.

I don't know if anyone noticed, but Facebook also launched a new search. Not many Facebook users care that much, because a lot of the people I know who use Facebook only use it for photos and status updates. Maybe this will change, and people will use search more often, but I doubt it will attract more new users.

Google also got in on the action today and launched a developer version of their improved search engine, which is faster and more accurate. This makes it easier for people to find something on the go, because you don't have to flip through 10 pages of results. It will be interesting to see how Google will tie this in with Wave which is rounding the corner.

There is one common theme that I see in all of this. I think that the internet is becoming more public, and that information is being shared more easily. There is less fear of being known, and people try to broadcast themselves to anybody who wants to listen/watch/read/play/communicate.

Waiting On Digsby For OS X

I've been for Digsby to be available on macs for quite some time now. Basically, what it is is an IM and social networking client. It has been used on Windows operating systems for a while, and they announced a few months ago that they're working on Mac and Linux versions.

The future looks bleak for mac users. There hasn't been any Alphas/Betas on these OS's yet, and apparently they're waiting for the Windows version to be perfected. Until then, you can sign up for updates.

Aquafresh White Trays Are In My Mouth

So I'm sitting here right now with a pair of Aquafresh white trays in my mouth. I'm going away to college in the fall, and I'm starting a new (and hopefully better) stage in my life. Because of this, I wanna make good first impressions and that means looking clean.

These things are supposed to work in 7 days, by using them once a day for ~ 40 minutes. I really hope they work, but then again, I really have nothing to lose. I'm not that hungry now, and I have no one to talk to, so why not shut my mouth like I always do, but this time with a tray inside.

How much time left? 35 minutes. K, I think I'll mosy on to for a bit and waste some time there.

Geek Week And My Roots As A Geek

Ok, so I haven't posted in a while. And I really hate it because I've been thinking that I should, and I've had the time, but instead I just sat down and watched TV instead. I'm so ashamed :(

But when I wasn't lying on the couch, I was also just surfing the web, looking for anything that seemed interesting. I found out about Geek Week (which is run by The Society for Geek Advancement), and it actually seems pretty cool. It's a week when geeks are praised and held in complete glory for revolutionizing the ways that people work, communicate, shop, find information and even have fun.

There is a video competition, and here is a link to the YouTube group that shows videos of how geekdom is pretty awesome.

I have always been a loner, and I never really had a group to belong too. I'll spare you some details of my lonely life. But ya, now I think I know what group I wanna be in. I wanna be a geek. Seriously, I'm not even kidding. Actually, I kinda am an "L list geek", but I can improve my ranks if I try. I'm actually thinking of learning C++. I'm gonna go to chapters this week and pick up a beginners manual.

And I promise I'll blog more often. I know I've said that many times before, BUT THIS TIME I MEAN IT!